HogStats.com :: Arkansas Basketball Records :: Junior season performances


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Arkansas Basketball Records:
Junior season performances

Totals (jump to: Averages | Percentages | Ratios)

Most points scored in a junior season
  1. 786 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  2. 770 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  3. 683 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  4. 633 - Martin Terry in 1971-72
  5. 621 - Sidney Moncrief in 1977-78
  6. 596 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  7. 589 - Ronnie Brewer in 2005-06
  8. 581 - Joe Kleine in 1983-84
  9. 581 - Ricky Council IV in 2022-23
  10. 573 - Michael Qualls in 2014-15

Most made field goals in a junior season
  1. 283 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  2. 277 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  3. 254 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  4. 245 - Marvin Delph in 1976-77
  5. 213 - Martin Terry in 1971-72
  6. 209 - Sidney Moncrief in 1977-78
  7. 209 - Joe Kleine in 1983-84
  8. 206 - Scotty Thurman in 1994-95
  9. 199 - Ron Brewer in 1976-77
  10. 197 - Ronnie Brewer in 2005-06

Most attempted field goals in a junior season
  1. 586 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  2. 515 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  3. 460 - Marvin Delph in 1976-77
  4. 454 - Martin Terry in 1971-72
  5. 450 - Scotty Thurman in 1994-95
  6. 447 - Ronnie Brewer in 2005-06
  7. 432 - Ricky Council IV in 2022-23
  8. 422 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  9. 421 - Pat Bradley in 1997-98
  10. 413 - Michael Qualls in 2014-15

Most made 3-pointers in a junior season
  1. 102 - Scotty Thurman in 1994-95
  2. 93 - Pat Bradley in 1997-98
  3. 91 - Rotnei Clarke in 2010-11
  4. 81 - Dusty Hannahs in 2015-16
  5. 75 - Alex Dillard in 1993-94
  6. 73 - Jannero Pargo in 2000-01
  7. 68 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  8. 67 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  9. 65 - Daryl Macon in 2016-17
  10. 65 - Anthlon Bell in 2014-15

Most attempted 3-pointers in a junior season
  1. 242 - Pat Bradley in 1997-98
  2. 239 - Scotty Thurman in 1994-95
  3. 208 - Rotnei Clarke in 2010-11
  4. 194 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  5. 189 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  6. 187 - Dusty Hannahs in 2015-16
  7. 185 - Anthlon Bell in 2014-15
  8. 183 - Alex Dillard in 1993-94
  9. 175 - Jannero Pargo in 2000-01
  10. 173 - Tarik Wallace in 1996-97

Most made free throws in a junior season
  1. 233 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  2. 207 - Martin Terry in 1971-72
  3. 203 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  4. 203 - Sidney Moncrief in 1977-78
  5. 173 - Ricky Council IV in 2022-23
  6. 165 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  7. 163 - Joe Kleine in 1983-84
  8. 158 - Michael Qualls in 2014-15
  9. 144 - Ronnie Brewer in 2005-06
  10. 142 - Moses Kingsley in 2015-16

Most attempted free throws in a junior season
  1. 304 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  2. 282 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  3. 261 - Martin Terry in 1971-72
  4. 256 - Sidney Moncrief in 1977-78
  5. 223 - Moses Kingsley in 2015-16
  6. 221 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  7. 218 - Ricky Council IV in 2022-23
  8. 211 - Joe Kleine in 1983-84
  9. 204 - Michael Qualls in 2014-15
  10. 192 - Ronnie Brewer in 2005-06

Most offensive rebounds in a junior season (since 1986-87)
  1. 128 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  2. 117 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  3. 105 - Mike Washington in 2008-09
  4. 103 - Moses Kingsley in 2015-16
  5. 94 - Andrew Lang in 1986-87
  6. 91 - Lenzie Howell in 1988-89
  7. 78 - Roosevelt Wallace in 1990-91
  8. 77 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  9. 75 - Sunday Adebayo in 1995-96
  10. 71 - Derek Hood in 1997-98

Most defensive rebounds in a junior season (since 1986-87)
  1. 196 - Moses Kingsley in 2015-16
  2. 189 - Mike Washington in 2008-09
  3. 177 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  4. 165 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  5. 147 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  6. 143 - Andrew Lang in 1986-87
  7. 133 - Michael Qualls in 2014-15
  8. 133 - Lenzie Howell in 1988-89
  9. 129 - Davonte Davis in 2022-23
  10. 128 - Charles Thomas in 2006-07

Most total rebounds in a junior season
  1. 310 - Dean Tolson in 1972-73
  2. 299 - Moses Kingsley in 2015-16
  3. 294 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  4. 294 - Mike Washington in 2008-09
  5. 293 - Joe Kleine in 1983-84
  6. 293 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  7. 278 - Sidney Moncrief in 1977-78
  8. 237 - Andrew Lang in 1986-87
  9. 233 - Ronnie Garner in 1959-60
  10. 230 - Vernon Murphy in 1970-71

Most assists in a junior season
  1. 209 - Lee Mayberry in 1990-91
  2. 169 - Corey Beck in 1993-94
  3. 169 - Gary Ervin in 2006-07
  4. 166 - Kareem Reid in 1997-98
  5. 128 - Eric Ferguson in 2004-05
  6. 111 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  7. 106 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  8. 104 - Ronnie Brewer in 2005-06
  9. 103 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  10. 101 - Darrell Walker in 1981-82
  11. 101 - Alvin Robertson in 1982-83

Most blocks in a junior season
  1. 112 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  2. 99 - Steven Hill in 2006-07
  3. 85 - Andrew Lang in 1986-87
  4. 76 - Moses Kingsley in 2015-16
  5. 56 - Darian Townes in 2006-07
  6. 47 - Steve Schall in 1977-78
  7. 39 - Mike Washington in 2008-09
  8. 37 - Marshawn Powell in 2012-13
  9. 33 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  10. 33 - Trevon Brazile in 2024-25

Most steals in a junior season
  1. 100 - Lee Mayberry in 1990-91
  2. 89 - Darrell Walker in 1981-82
  3. 88 - Alvin Robertson in 1982-83
  4. 85 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  5. 83 - Ronnie Brewer in 2005-06
  6. 68 - Corey Beck in 1993-94
  7. 67 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  8. 61 - T.J. Cleveland in 2000-01
  9. 61 - Kareem Reid in 1997-98
  10. 57 - Robert Shepherd in 1991-92

Most games played in a junior season
  1. 39 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  2. 38 - Isaiah Morris in 1990-91
  3. 38 - Clyde Fletcher in 1990-91
  4. 38 - Roosevelt Wallace in 1990-91
  5. 38 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  6. 38 - Lee Mayberry in 1990-91
  7. 38 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  8. 37 - Scotty Thurman in 1994-95
  9. 36 - Arlando Cook in 2016-17
  10. 36 - Daryl Macon in 2016-17
  11. 36 - Dustin Thomas in 2016-17
  12. 36 - Trey Thompson in 2016-17
  13. 36 - Sidney Moncrief in 1977-78
  14. 36 - Anton Beard in 2016-17
  15. 36 - Jaylen Barford in 2016-17
  16. 36 - Steve Schall in 1977-78
  17. 36 - Jacorey Williams in 2014-15
  18. 36 - Michael Qualls in 2014-15
  19. 36 - Jabril Durham in 2014-15
  20. 36 - Anthlon Bell in 2014-15
  21. 36 - Ricky Council IV in 2022-23

Most starts in a junior season (since 1983-84)
  1. 39 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  2. 37 - Scotty Thurman in 1994-95
  3. 37 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  4. 37 - Lee Mayberry in 1990-91
  5. 35 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  6. 34 - Michael Qualls in 2014-15
  7. 34 - Corey Beck in 1993-94
  8. 32 - Joe Kleine in 1983-84
  9. 32 - Sonny Weems in 2006-07
  10. 31 - Moses Kingsley in 2015-16
  11. 31 - Steven Hill in 2006-07
  12. 31 - Ronnie Brewer in 2005-06
  13. 31 - Pat Bradley in 1997-98
  14. 31 - Marshawn Powell in 2012-13
  15. 31 - Rotnei Clarke in 2010-11
  16. 31 - Davonte Davis in 2022-23

Most minutes in a junior season (since 1977-78)
  1. 1293 - Sidney Moncrief in 1977-78
  2. 1227 - Ricky Council IV in 2022-23
  3. 1216 - Lee Mayberry in 1990-91
  4. 1208 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  5. 1186 - Scotty Thurman in 1994-95
  6. 1173 - Joe Kleine in 1983-84
  7. 1157 - Davonte Davis in 2022-23
  8. 1121 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  9. 1116 - Gary Ervin in 2006-07
  10. 1112 - Ronnie Brewer in 2005-06
  11. 1099 - U.S. Reed in 1979-80

Most turnovers in a junior season
  1. 116 - Sidney Moncrief in 1977-78
  2. 109 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  3. 108 - Darrell Walker in 1981-82
  4. 100 - Gary Ervin in 2006-07
  5. 99 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  6. 99 - Todd Day in 1990-91
  7. 98 - Joe Kleine in 1983-84
  8. 94 - Corey Beck in 1993-94
  9. 92 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  10. 91 - Alvin Robertson in 1982-83

Most fouls in a junior season
  1. 119 - Steve Schall in 1977-78
  2. 114 - Oliver Miller in 1990-91
  3. 109 - Alvin Robertson in 1982-83
  4. 109 - Scott Hastings in 1980-81
  5. 109 - Martin Terry in 1971-72
  6. 106 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  7. 104 - Dustin Thomas in 2016-17
  8. 101 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  9. 100 - Steven Hill in 2006-07
  10. 97 - Clyde Rhoden in 1959-60

Most foul-outs in a junior season (since 1969-70)
  1. 10 - Martin Terry in 1971-72
  2. 7 - Alvin Robertson in 1982-83
  3. 6 - Corliss Williamson in 1994-95
  4. 6 - Vernon Murphy in 1970-71
  5. 6 - Almer Lee in 1970-71
  6. 5 - Steve Schall in 1977-78
  7. 5 - Jack Schulte in 1974-75
  8. 5 - Mason Jones in 2019-20
  9. 5 - Marshawn Powell in 2012-13
  10. 5 - Steven Hill in 2006-07

Averages (jump to: Totals | Percentages | Ratios)

Most points per game scored in a junior season
  1. 24.3 - Martin Terry, 633 points in 26 games (1971-72)
  2. 22.0 - Mason Jones, 683 points in 31 games (2019-20)
  3. 20.7 - Todd Day, 786 points in 38 games (1990-91)
  4. 19.7 - Corliss Williamson, 770 points in 39 games (1994-95)
  5. 19.7 - Marvin Delph, 552 points in 28 games (1976-77)
  6. 19.5 - Marshawn Powell, 39 points in 2 games (2011-12)
  7. 19.2 - Almer Lee, 441 points in 23 games (1970-71)
  8. 18.4 - Ronnie Brewer, 589 points in 32 games (2005-06)
  9. 18.2 - Joe Kleine, 581 points in 32 games (1983-84)
  10. 17.6 - Dean Tolson, 440 points in 25 games (1972-73)

Most field goals made per game in a junior season
  1. 8.75 - Marvin Delph, 245 in 28 games (1976-77)
  2. 8.19 - Martin Terry, 213 in 26 games (1971-72)
  3. 7.50 - Marshawn Powell, 15 in 2 games (2011-12)
  4. 7.37 - Ron Brewer, 199 in 27 games (1976-77)
  5. 7.32 - Dean Tolson, 183 in 25 games (1972-73)
  6. 7.29 - Todd Day, 277 in 38 games (1990-91)
  7. 7.26 - Almer Lee, 167 in 23 games (1970-71)
  8. 7.26 - Corliss Williamson, 283 in 39 games (1994-95)
  9. 6.68 - Oliver Miller, 254 in 38 games (1990-91)
  10. 6.53 - Joe Kleine, 209 in 32 games (1983-84)

Most field goals attempted per game in a junior season
  1. 17.5 - Martin Terry, 454 in 26 games (1971-72)
  2. 16.4 - Marvin Delph, 460 in 28 games (1976-77)
  3. 15.4 - Todd Day, 586 in 38 games (1990-91)
  4. 14.5 - Almer Lee, 333 in 23 games (1970-71)
  5. 14.4 - Ronnie Garner, 345 in 24 games (1959-60)
  6. 14.2 - Dean Tolson, 356 in 25 games (1972-73)
  7. 14.0 - Ronnie Brewer, 447 in 32 games (2005-06)
  8. 13.9 - Clyde Rhoden, 334 in 24 games (1959-60)
  9. 13.7 - Rickey Medlock, 356 in 26 games (1973-74)
  10. 13.6 - Mason Jones, 422 in 31 games (2019-20)

Most 3s made per game in a junior season
  1. 2.94 - Rotnei Clarke, 91 in 31 games (2010-11)
  2. 2.82 - Pat Bradley, 93 in 33 games (1997-98)
  3. 2.76 - Scotty Thurman, 102 in 37 games (1994-95)
  4. 2.53 - Dusty Hannahs, 81 in 32 games (2015-16)
  5. 2.35 - Jannero Pargo, 73 in 31 games (2000-01)
  6. 2.21 - Alex Dillard, 75 in 34 games (1993-94)
  7. 2.19 - Mason Jones, 68 in 31 games (2019-20)
  8. 1.97 - Tarik Wallace, 63 in 32 games (1996-97)
  9. 1.81 - Anthlon Bell, 65 in 36 games (2014-15)
  10. 1.81 - Daryl Macon, 65 in 36 games (2016-17)

Most 3s attempted per game in a junior season
  1. 7.33 - Pat Bradley, 242 in 33 games (1997-98)
  2. 6.71 - Rotnei Clarke, 208 in 31 games (2010-11)
  3. 6.46 - Scotty Thurman, 239 in 37 games (1994-95)
  4. 6.26 - Mason Jones, 194 in 31 games (2019-20)
  5. 5.84 - Dusty Hannahs, 187 in 32 games (2015-16)
  6. 5.65 - Jannero Pargo, 175 in 31 games (2000-01)
  7. 5.53 - Stef Welsh, 166 in 30 games (2008-09)
  8. 5.41 - Tarik Wallace, 173 in 32 games (1996-97)
  9. 5.38 - Alex Dillard, 183 in 34 games (1993-94)
  10. 5.22 - J.D. Notae, 167 in 32 games (2020-21)

Most free throws made per game in a junior season
  1. 7.96 - Martin Terry, 207 in 26 games (1971-72)
  2. 7.52 - Mason Jones, 233 in 31 games (2019-20)
  3. 5.64 - Sidney Moncrief, 203 in 36 games (1977-78)
  4. 5.63 - Clyde Rhoden, 135 in 24 games (1959-60)
  5. 5.43 - Tommy Boyer, 125 in 23 games (1961-62)
  6. 5.36 - Billy Hester, 59 in 11 games (1951-52)
  7. 5.21 - Corliss Williamson, 203 in 39 games (1994-95)
  8. 5.16 - Pat Foster, 98 in 19 games (1959-60)
  9. 5.09 - Joe Kleine, 163 in 32 games (1983-84)
  10. 4.92 - Vernon Murphy, 128 in 26 games (1970-71)
  11. 4.81 - Ricky Council IV, 173 in 36 games (2022-23)

Most free throws attempted per game in a junior season
  1. 10.04 - Martin Terry, 261 in 26 games (1971-72)
  2. 9.10 - Mason Jones, 282 in 31 games (2019-20)
  3. 7.79 - Corliss Williamson, 304 in 39 games (1994-95)
  4. 7.54 - Clyde Rhoden, 181 in 24 games (1959-60)
  5. 7.35 - Vernon Murphy, 191 in 26 games (1970-71)
  6. 7.11 - Sidney Moncrief, 256 in 36 games (1977-78)
  7. 7.09 - Billy Hester, 78 in 11 games (1951-52)
  8. 7.08 - Alvin Williams, 170 in 24 games (1947-48)
  9. 6.97 - Moses Kingsley, 223 in 32 games (2015-16)
  10. 6.68 - Pat Foster, 127 in 19 games (1959-60)

Most offensive rebounds per game in a junior season (since 1986-87)
  1. 3.50 - Mike Washington, 105 in 30 games (2008-09)
  2. 3.41 - Sunday Adebayo, 75 in 22 games (1995-96)
  3. 3.28 - Corliss Williamson, 128 in 39 games (1994-95)
  4. 3.22 - Moses Kingsley, 103 in 32 games (2015-16)
  5. 3.08 - Oliver Miller, 117 in 38 games (1990-91)
  6. 2.94 - Andrew Lang, 94 in 32 games (1986-87)
  7. 2.84 - Lenzie Howell, 91 in 32 games (1988-89)
  8. 2.50 - Marshawn Powell, 5 in 2 games (2011-12)
  9. 2.35 - Darnell Robinson, 47 in 20 games (1995-96)
  10. 2.22 - Derek Hood, 71 in 32 games (1997-98)
  11. 2.19 - Coty Clarke, 68 in 31 games (2012-13)

Most defensive rebounds per game in a junior season (since 1986-87)
  1. 6.30 - Mike Washington, 189 in 30 games (2008-09)
  2. 6.13 - Moses Kingsley, 196 in 32 games (2015-16)
  3. 4.74 - Mason Jones, 147 in 31 games (2019-20)
  4. 4.66 - Oliver Miller, 177 in 38 games (1990-91)
  5. 4.65 - Darnell Robinson, 93 in 20 games (1995-96)
  6. 4.47 - Andrew Lang, 143 in 32 games (1986-87)
  7. 4.23 - Sunday Adebayo, 93 in 22 games (1995-96)
  8. 4.23 - Corliss Williamson, 165 in 39 games (1994-95)
  9. 4.16 - Lenzie Howell, 133 in 32 games (1988-89)
  10. 4.15 - Adou Thiero, 108 in 26 games (2024-25)

Most total rebounds per game in a junior season
  1. 12.4 - Dean Tolson, 310 rebounds in 25 games (1972-73)
  2. 9.8 - Mike Washington, 294 rebounds in 30 games (2008-09)
  3. 9.7 - Ronnie Garner, 233 rebounds in 24 games (1959-60)
  4. 9.3 - Moses Kingsley, 299 rebounds in 32 games (2015-16)
  5. 9.2 - Joe Kleine, 293 rebounds in 32 games (1983-84)
  6. 9.1 - Alan Morrison, 100 rebounds in 22 games (1960-61)
  7. 8.9 - Vernon Murphy, 230 rebounds in 26 games (1970-71)
  8. 8.1 - Harry Thompson, 218 rebounds in 27 games (1957-58)
  9. 7.7 - Oliver Miller, 294 rebounds in 38 games (1990-91)
  10. 7.7 - Sidney Moncrief, 278 rebounds in 36 games (1977-78)
  11. 7.6 - Sunday Adebayo, 168 rebounds in 22 games (1995-96)

Most assists per game in a junior season
  1. 5.50 - Lee Mayberry, 209 in 38 games (1990-91)
  2. 5.19 - Kareem Reid, 166 in 32 games (1997-98)
  3. 4.97 - Corey Beck, 169 in 34 games (1993-94)
  4. 4.83 - Gary Ervin, 169 in 35 games (2006-07)
  5. 4.27 - Eric Ferguson, 128 in 30 games (2004-05)
  6. 3.61 - Alvin Robertson, 101 in 28 games (1982-83)
  7. 3.48 - Darrell Walker, 101 in 29 games (1981-82)
  8. 3.42 - Mason Jones, 106 in 31 games (2019-20)
  9. 3.25 - Ronnie Brewer, 104 in 32 games (2005-06)
  10. 3.09 - Julysses Nobles, 99 in 32 games (2011-12)

Most blocks per game in a junior season
  1. 2.95 - Oliver Miller, 112 in 38 games (1990-91)
  2. 2.83 - Steven Hill, 99 in 35 games (2006-07)
  3. 2.66 - Andrew Lang, 85 in 32 games (1986-87)
  4. 2.38 - Moses Kingsley, 76 in 32 games (2015-16)
  5. 1.60 - Darian Townes, 56 in 35 games (2006-07)
  6. 1.50 - Marshawn Powell, 3 in 2 games (2011-12)
  7. 1.40 - Darnell Robinson, 28 in 20 games (1995-96)
  8. 1.31 - Steve Schall, 47 in 36 games (1977-78)
  9. 1.30 - Mike Washington, 39 in 30 games (2008-09)
  10. 1.18 - Trevon Brazile, 33 in 28 games (2024-25)

Most steals per game in a junior season
  1. 3.14 - Alvin Robertson, 88 in 28 games (1982-83)
  2. 3.07 - Darrell Walker, 89 in 29 games (1981-82)
  3. 2.63 - Lee Mayberry, 100 in 38 games (1990-91)
  4. 2.59 - Ronnie Brewer, 83 in 32 games (2005-06)
  5. 2.24 - Todd Day, 85 in 38 games (1990-91)
  6. 2.00 - Corey Beck, 68 in 34 games (1993-94)
  7. 1.97 - T.J. Cleveland, 61 in 31 games (2000-01)
  8. 1.91 - Kareem Reid, 61 in 32 games (1997-98)
  9. 1.75 - Keith Wilson, 49 in 28 games (1987-88)
  10. 1.72 - Corliss Williamson, 67 in 39 games (1994-95)

Most minutes per game in a junior season (since 1977-78)
  1. 37.9 - U.S. Reed, 1099 minutes in 29 games (1979-80)
  2. 36.7 - Joe Kleine, 1173 minutes in 32 games (1983-84)
  3. 35.9 - Sidney Moncrief, 1293 minutes in 36 games (1977-78)
  4. 35.8 - Darrell Walker, 1039 minutes in 29 games (1981-82)
  5. 34.8 - Ronnie Brewer, 1112 minutes in 32 games (2005-06)
  6. 34.1 - Ricky Council IV, 1227 minutes in 36 games (2022-23)
  7. 33.7 - Mason Jones, 1046 minutes in 31 games (2019-20)
  8. 33.1 - Davonte Davis, 1157 minutes in 35 games (2022-23)
  9. 32.9 - Robert Birden, 854 minutes in 26 games (1974-75)
  10. 32.9 - Scott Hastings, 1054 minutes in 32 games (1980-81)
  11. 32.7 - Alvin Robertson, 915 minutes in 28 games (1982-83)

Most turnovers per game in a junior season
  1. 4.00 - Marshawn Powell, 8 in 2 games (2011-12)
  2. 3.72 - Darrell Walker, 108 in 29 games (1981-82)
  3. 3.25 - Alvin Robertson, 91 in 28 games (1982-83)
  4. 3.22 - Sidney Moncrief, 116 in 36 games (1977-78)
  5. 3.19 - Mason Jones, 99 in 31 games (2019-20)
  6. 3.06 - Joe Kleine, 98 in 32 games (1983-84)
  7. 2.88 - William Mills, 69 in 24 games (1985-86)
  8. 2.87 - Oliver Miller, 109 in 38 games (1990-91)
  9. 2.86 - Gary Ervin, 100 in 35 games (2006-07)
  10. 2.76 - Corey Beck, 94 in 34 games (1993-94)

Most fouls per game in a junior season
  1. 4.19 - Martin Terry, 109 in 26 games (1971-72)
  2. 4.04 - Clyde Rhoden, 97 in 24 games (1959-60)
  3. 3.95 - Orval Elkins, 83 in 21 games (1952-53)
  4. 3.89 - Alvin Robertson, 109 in 28 games (1982-83)
  5. 3.83 - Gary Stephens, 92 in 24 games (1967-68)
  6. 3.52 - Dean Tolson, 88 in 25 games (1972-73)
  7. 3.46 - Vernon Murphy, 90 in 26 games (1970-71)
  8. 3.46 - Wayne Dunn, 83 in 24 games (1956-57)
  9. 3.42 - Pete Butler, 82 in 24 games (1954-55)
  10. 3.41 - Scott Hastings, 109 in 32 games (1980-81)

Percentages (jump to: Totals | Averages | Ratios)

Best field goal percentages in a junior season (min. 40 attempts)
  1. 70.4% - Oliver Miller (254-361) in 1990-91
  2. 69.9% - Leroy Sutton (79-113) in 1982-83
  3. 65.8% - Steve Price (25-58) in 1973-74
  4. 64.1% - Steven Hill (93-145) in 2006-07
  5. 63.6% - Trevon Brazile (63-99) in 2024-25
  6. 61.8% - Trey Thompson (34-55) in 2016-17
  7. 61.0% - Ron Brewer (199-326) in 1976-77
  8. 60.6% - Mario Credit (149-246) in 1988-89
  9. 59.5% - Joe Kleine (209-351) in 1983-84
  10. 59.0% - Sidney Moncrief (209-354) in 1977-78

Best 3-point percentages in a junior season (min. 30 attempts)
  1. 45.8% - Chris Walker (33-72) in 1998-99
  2. 43.8% - Reggie Garrett (14-32) in 1994-95
  3. 43.8% - Rotnei Clarke (91-208) in 2010-11
  4. 43.3% - Dusty Hannahs (81-187) in 2015-16
  5. 42.9% - Jonathon Modica (30-70) in 2004-05
  6. 42.9% - Chris Brunt (18-42) in 1987-88
  7. 42.7% - Scotty Thurman (102-239) in 1994-95
  8. 41.7% - Roger Crawford (20-48) in 1992-93
  9. 41.7% - Jannero Pargo (73-175) in 2000-01
  10. 41.0% - Alex Dillard (75-183) in 1993-94

Best free throw percentages in a junior season (min. 20 attempts)
  1. 93.3% - Tommy Boyer (125-134) in 1961-62
  2. 91.6% - Rickey Medlock (87-95) in 1973-74
  3. 91.5% - Robert Birden (65-71) in 1974-75
  4. 91.4% - Darrell Hawkins (74-81) in 1991-92
  5. 90.2% - Pat Bradley (74-82) in 1997-98
  6. 87.8% - Jannero Pargo (43-49) in 2000-01
  7. 87.8% - Fred Mooney (36-41) in 1970-71
  8. 87.0% - Dusty Hannahs (100-115) in 2015-16
  9. 86.6% - Daryl Macon (136-157) in 2016-17
  10. 86.5% - Ricky Sugg (77-89) in 1964-65

Ratios (jump to: Totals | Averages | Percentages)

Best assist:turnover ratios in a junior season (min. 10.0 minutes per game)
  1. 3.03 - Lee Mayberry, 209 assists to 69 turnovers (1990-91)
  2. 2.75 - Manuale Watkins, 66 assists to 24 turnovers (2015-16)
  3. 2.68 - Arlyn Bowers, 83 assists to 31 turnovers (1989-90)
  4. 2.55 - Kikko Haydar, 28 assists to 11 turnovers (2012-13)
  5. 2.55 - Trey Thompson, 56 assists to 22 turnovers (2016-17)
  6. 2.42 - Rickey Scott, 46 assists to 19 turnovers (2012-13)
  7. 2.37 - Eric Ferguson, 128 assists to 54 turnovers (2004-05)
  8. 2.27 - Kareem Reid, 166 assists to 73 turnovers (1997-98)
  9. 2.00 - Ron Huery, 82 assists to 41 turnovers (1989-90)
  10. 1.97 - Clint McDaniel, 59 assists to 30 turnovers (1993-94)
  11. 1.93 - Jabril Durham, 52 assists to 27 turnovers (2014-15)

Best steal:turnover ratios in a junior season (min. 10.0 minutes per game)
  1. 1.82 - Kikko Haydar, 20 steals to 11 turnovers (2012-13)
  2. 1.77 - Clint McDaniel, 53 steals to 30 turnovers (1993-94)
  3. 1.50 - Mardracus Wade, 54 steals to 36 turnovers (2012-13)
  4. 1.45 - Lee Mayberry, 100 steals to 69 turnovers (1990-91)
  5. 1.30 - Brandon Dean, 39 steals to 30 turnovers (2000-01)
  6. 1.30 - T.J. Cleveland, 61 steals to 47 turnovers (2000-01)
  7. 1.29 - Arlyn Bowers, 40 steals to 31 turnovers (1989-90)
  8. 1.19 - Ronnie Brewer, 83 steals to 70 turnovers (2005-06)
  9. 1.17 - Manuale Watkins, 28 steals to 24 turnovers (2015-16)
  10. 1.16 - Coty Clarke, 44 steals to 38 turnovers (2012-13)

Best steal:foul ratios in a junior season (min. 10.0 minutes per game)
  1. 1.80 - Ronnie Brewer, 83 steals to 46 fouls (2005-06)
  2. 1.61 - Lee Mayberry, 100 steals to 62 fouls (1990-91)
  3. 1.06 - Eric Ferguson, 51 steals to 48 fouls (2004-05)
  4. 1.00 - Darrell Walker, 89 steals to 89 fouls (1981-82)
  5. 0.98 - J.D. Notae, 46 steals to 47 fouls (2020-21)
  6. 0.94 - Tarik Wallace, 31 steals to 33 fouls (1996-97)
  7. 0.91 - Todd Day, 85 steals to 93 fouls (1990-91)
  8. 0.91 - Kareem Reid, 61 steals to 67 fouls (1997-98)
  9. 0.89 - Jannero Pargo, 47 steals to 53 fouls (2000-01)
  10. 0.88 - T.J. Cleveland, 61 steals to 69 fouls (2000-01)

Best block:foul ratios in a junior season (min. 10.0 minutes per game)
  1. 1.08 - Darian Townes, 56 blocks to 52 fouls (2006-07)
  2. 0.99 - Steven Hill, 99 blocks to 100 fouls (2006-07)
  3. 0.98 - Oliver Miller, 112 blocks to 114 fouls (1990-91)
  4. 0.91 - Andrew Lang, 85 blocks to 93 fouls (1986-87)
  5. 0.81 - Moses Kingsley, 76 blocks to 94 fouls (2015-16)
  6. 0.56 - Darnell Robinson, 28 blocks to 50 fouls (1995-96)
  7. 0.55 - Trevon Brazile, 33 blocks to 60 fouls (2024-25)
  8. 0.54 - Lee Wilson, 32 blocks to 59 fouls (1995-96)
  9. 0.53 - Nick Davis, 31 blocks to 58 fouls (1996-97)
  10. 0.50 - Marshawn Powell, 3 blocks to 6 fouls (2011-12)

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